Dagens bästa citat...
Dagens bästa citat är inget roligt citat... Det är ett citat som fått mig att inse att det funnits saker som jag borde gjort... Saker som kunde ha förhindrat att jag hamnat i den situationen som jag sitter i idag... Men inte bara det... Det har även fått mig att inse att det var mitt fel att allt det här hände... Jag önskar att jag hade en tidsmaskin...
"Relationships don't work the way they do on television and in the movies. Will they? Won't they? and they finally do and they're happy forever. Give me a break. Nine out of ten end because they weren't right to eatchother to begin with and the ones that get married get divorsed anyway and I'm telling you right now through all this stuff I have not become a cynic, I havn't...
Yes I happen to mainly belive that love is mainly about pushing chocolatecovered candies and.. you know.. In some cultures a chicken. You can call me a sucker I don't care... Cause I do belive in it... Bottom line... Couples that are truly right for eatchother wait through the same crap as anybody else but the big difference is that they don't let it take them down...One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time... If it's right.. And if they're real lucky.. One of them will say something.."
"Relationships don't work the way they do on television and in the movies. Will they? Won't they? and they finally do and they're happy forever. Give me a break. Nine out of ten end because they weren't right to eatchother to begin with and the ones that get married get divorsed anyway and I'm telling you right now through all this stuff I have not become a cynic, I havn't...
Yes I happen to mainly belive that love is mainly about pushing chocolatecovered candies and.. you know.. In some cultures a chicken. You can call me a sucker I don't care... Cause I do belive in it... Bottom line... Couples that are truly right for eatchother wait through the same crap as anybody else but the big difference is that they don't let it take them down...One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time... If it's right.. And if they're real lucky.. One of them will say something.."